Music helps stroke victims communicate

We all know music can be a powerful thing. But the beauty of music is that we learn new things about it every day. Research has really just begun to scratch the surface of how powerful music can be.

A great example of this is an article we recently came across in the Wall Street Journal. The article’s headline is Music Helps Stroke Victims Communicate, Study Finds.” It’s pretty astounding stuff.

The article describes a small research study that “produced often dramatic results in 12 patients whose speech was impaired after a stroke to the left hemisphere of the brain.” This was accomplished using a method called melodic intonation therapy, which teaches the patients “to speak in a more ‘sing-songy’ way than a person with normal speech.” The audience at the American Association for the Advancement of Science greeted the results “with enthusiastic applause.” Further studies are currently being planned.

This could really change lives. And it’s just another example of the power of music. At Kindermusik, we firmly believe that music can change lives, including very young ones. The research proves this as well. You can learn more about our baby, toddler, and big kid music and movement classes.

There are certain to be even more fantastic discoveries about music in the coming years. We can’t wait!


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