One of the best things about Kindermusik is the way the music and movement activities are so carefully and creatively designed to enhance every area of a child’s development. You might think it’s just about the music, but as we’re often fond of saying, “We’re so much MORE than just music.” There are many benefits of music, but none more important than those that affect every area of a child’s development – like Kindermusik does.
Chants and Fingerplays help children explore fun sounds and practice new words, providing a rich language environment.
Rhymes and Stories give Kindermusik kids a rich head-start in literacy development.
Singing and Playing Instruments inspire a love for music and lay a foundation for musical learning.
Marching, Jumping, Bouncing, and Twirling allow a child to be more self-expressive and to explore the many different ways a body can move, contributing to his physical development.
Rocking and Quiet Time promote special bonding time between parent and child and make those emotional ties even stronger.
Multi-sensory Activities which engage more than one sense at a time are part of what sparks vital cognitive development.
Circle Dances foster a sense of belonging and community, contributing to a child’s healthy social development.
Music and learning go hand-in-hand. So come swing, sway, dance, LEARN, and play with us at Kindermusik. Try a free class today! You’ll love seeing firsthand all the many ways your child will flourish in Kindermusik – in every area of his development.