How Music Affects the Science of Reading

A mother taps out a beat to a song in Kindermusik class. Practicing steady beat is one way to support the science of reading.

The Science of Reading is kind of a buzzword these days in the early education and parenting worlds, but what does it really mean and what role does music play?

In a nutshell, the Science of Reading is a catch-all term for the massive amounts of research that look at how our brains learn to read through decoding, phonemic awareness, and more. It doesn’t just happen, it’s science, and educators around the world are tapping into its framework.

What might be missing from traditional classrooms and at-home efforts? Music!

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Why Music Is Better Than White Noise for Babies

Music is better than white noise for babies

Everyone loves to watch a sleeping infant, but is white noise for babies the best environment for these peaceful moments?

Research tells us no, and here’s why – your baby’s auditory system is hard at work, and sleep aids like white noise can send it into overdrive.

Our auditory system is the first to develop and the last to stop. It is almost fully developed at 16 weeks in utero. So, when your baby is born, they already have 5 months’ experience in processing sound.

Before we look at why soothing, patterned sounds like music are better than white noise for babies, it’s important to understand how the auditory system works.

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