How Music + Movement Fuels Early Math Skills

Research shows children exposed to early music-making (especially shared!) enhance early math skills, and reap the benefits years later. Here are three concrete examples…

Music and Movement Benefits: The Power of the Vestibular System

“The vestibular system controls the sense of movement and balance.  From birth to about 15 months, the vestibular system is very active as the child gains a sense of gravity and knowledge of the physical environment through movement.  Rocking, swaying, and movement which rotates the head stimulates the vestibular system, stimulating the brain for new …

Music and Movement Benefits: Routines and Social-Emotional Health

From breakfast to playtime to naptime.  That’s one routine. Bath time, story time, then bedtime.  That’s another. Cartoons or waffles on Saturday morning – that’s a routine, too!  As unpredictable as life with young children can sometimes be, routines and rituals are the secret to creating a calmer, saner life, to helping your children feel …