Kindermusik educators love Kindermusik because…

“…I get to do what I LOVE and know that it matters. How can anything be more fun? “ ~ Deborah Foster
“…I am a rock star to my preschoolers! ~ Anne Hendrix
“… it fills me up to the brim with the love of my families and children! Kindermusik is my passion because I am given the opportunity to share music with children and their families and they in turn share their most precious musical moments with me!” ~ Julie Stewart
“…it makes people happy, even on bad days.” ~Addie Kaessens
“…of the energy, enthusiasm and endless fun it brings to every class, every age, every day.” ~ Suzanne Dunn
Kindermusik educators and peer learning“…I’m bringing my community the joy and fun of music while children are positively affected in many aspects. It is a joyful program that provides me as a mother and the rest of the mothers in the different age groups with tips on quality time activities to spend with their beloved one. As a business owner, Kindermusik is great for me as I choose the class timing and the beneficial return is good.”—Lucy Barhoumeh, Jordan
“…the combination of music, children and community make every class dynamic and emotional. There is never a dull moment at Kindermusik, always creation, growth, excitement and song. The energy is electric.” ~ Caroline O’Toole
“…I get to do the “crazy dance” at work and nobody thinks I’m actually crazy while doing it!” ~ Brandi Lowe
“…As a young person I always admired people that were able to be fulfilled and passionate about their jobs. Being a Kindermusik Educator and Mentor has made it possible for me to be just such a person. I count myself tremendously lucky to be in a position that allows me to inspire and nurture a love of music in so many families.” —Anja Michael, Cyprus
“… as my own children grow up, I get to relive the joy and wonder of the early years with my students and their parents.” ~ Jennifer Chau
“…it first taught me to be a better parent and continues to inspire me to be a better teacher and musician.” ~ Christa Sigman
“…it is fulfilling and meaningful and fun!” ~ Pam Carmagnola
“…it is a rich, varied, and joyful curriculum!” ~ Wendy Nelson
“…As an educator, I love to see how my Kindermusik children grow and progress….I have witnessed how Kindermusik makes it possible for all children to learn and express themselves in English through song, bringing them together across cultures and languages like nothing else I have seen. As a business owner I love the flexibility Kindermusik provides, allowing me to work hours that fit in with my family and the needs of my own children. The support and continuous training from Kindermusik, makes the job an easy one. This, coupled with the knowledge that I am making a difference in each child’s life through the development of improved movement, listening and expression, makes this the most rewarding job ever!” —Chantelle Laubscher, Qatar
Kindermusik Baby Music Class - Self Expression Through Music“I love Kindermusik because of the joy it brings to families.
I love Kindermusik because it’s like a happy bubble in the midst of whatever else is going on in the world.” ~ Teresa Birch
“…there’s no feeling like the joy you share when a row of little teapots tip towards their handles! It’s very tricky being a teapot you know!” ~ Marina Smith
“ …I get to go to work and have a blast playing with children and their parents sharing my passion for music and child development. … allows me the privilege of impacting the lives of parents and their children. …..because with each class I have the opportunity to become a better teacher. …..because each classroom experience allows me to learn to be a better parent. …..because I have the flexibility to run my own business and be my own boss within the support system that is Kindermusik International with provisions for excellent research based curricula, educator training, marketing options and so much more.” ~ Beth Anspach
“… of the deep joy it gives me to watch parents and children bonding through the shared experience of great music and meaningful activities.” ~ Melanie
“… I get to inspire children and adults to wiggle & giggle, sing & sway, dance & laugh, bond & play, smile like never before, and explore life in a wonderfully new and expressive way!” ~ Melissa Mika
“…Out of all working adults in America only 17% like their job and feel like it fits who they are… I consider myself in the top 1% of the 17%. It is the perfect combination of Music & Child Development. Besides that it’s crazy Fun!” Jeanneane Palczewski
“…I have grown as a parent and because I can say to all my friends that I go to a job that I love and I get to play giggle and provide a wonderful musical experience for little kiddos and their parents. I not only enjoy the growth of my students but I have seen the growth, musically in the parents that attend the class…it brings a smile to my face each and every class.” ~ Kate Barry
Hong Kong Kindermusik Educator“…Every day is an exciting journey, touching the lives of children and helping them discover the creativity that is inside of them. The best part of my job is sharing with parents how intelligent and artistic their children are, and that these children communicate their talents in many different ways. The glow on their faces is incomparable, as they realize the many unique ways that their children are special!”—Crisel Consunji, Hong Kong
“…I get to work barefooted!” ~ Kathryn Nobles
“ …I get a rare opportunity to be a member of many families, sharing the joys and tricks of the “mommy-trade”. I look forward to seeing those little sunshiny faces every week, noticing how much they have learned/developed through my program and celebrating their achievements…WHAT A RUSH!!!! Kindermusik days are my favorite days of the week….who needs coffee when you have Kindermusik???!!!!!” ~ Alana Wideman
“…it’s a great way to stay in shape! Just dance “Kerry’s Ten Penny Wash” and “The Keel Row” 6 or 7 times a week and you WILL notice a difference (especially if you “borrow” a baby from one of your willing families!).” ~ Robyn Pearce
“… it’s an answer to my prayer … Music and children – who could ask for anything more 🙂 “ ~ Maica Atienza

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