Expectant parents plan for – and worry about! – a lot of things. Your unborn baby’s musical development may not be on the check list just yet, but don’t worry – you and your baby are more prepared than you might think.
Your baby is already musical! After all, he/she has been listening to the steady beat of your heartbeat and listening to your voice – which happens to be the most beautiful sound in the world to your little one’s ears!
Your baby is able to see, hear, feel, and learn even before birth. Music is a powerful stimuli, and as such, can help enhance physical, emotional, sensory, and mental development. According to Dr. Sarah Brewer, “…[m]usically stimulated babies seem to develop more quickly, talking up to six months earlier, and have improved intellectual development.”
Your baby is already developing musical preferences. Studies have shown that the music a baby hears frequently while in the womb will be some of his favorite music to listen to when he’s born… until he’s around two years of age, that is. After that, he’ll let you know what his new opinions are about music!
Your baby benefits from a variety of music. You don’t have to limit your pregnancy play list to only Mozart or quiet lullabies. “Diversity of different kinds of music are essential and can be useful for the baby’s future writing, reading, and language skills,” says Dr. Philip A. De Fina, chief neuropsychologist and director of neurotherapies at the NYU Brain Research Laboratories.
As with all good things, the key with music stimulation is moderation. If you’re getting tired of listening to certain music, chances are your baby is too! To find some great music recordings and musical inspiration, look no further than your nearest Kindermusik educator. One of the hallmarks of Kindermusik is our musical variety in class and at home through your @Home Materials. Your local Kindermusik educator would be delighted to have you come visit a class, even before your baby is born. And then your Kindermusik enrollment is one more thing you can check off the list before your new arrival turns your life happy-crazy upside-down.
And so, when things settle down a bit, we’ll look forward to having you and your newborn in Kindermusik. The brain grows and develops at an astounding rate in the early years, and there’s no better window of opportunity for exposing your baby to the rich developmental benefits of music. Plus you’ll love the opportunity to gain precious insights into this new little miracle as you spend special time together in class, make new friends, find a support network, and savor these precious, fleeting moments of babyhood. Parents agree… there’s no better bonding experience than Kindermusik. We’ll look forward to seeing you in class soon!
Contributed by Theresa Case whose award-winning Kindermusik program is located in beautiful upstate South Carolina.