FOL Fridays: Why Make Music Together?


When creating music together in an ensemble, or group setting, each participant has the opportunity to experience music with “greater harmonic color, musical depth, variety of sound, and rhythmic complexities” than when participating alone.  Ensemble opportunities also “stimulate and challenge” self-confidence, imagination, and musical understanding (Leung 2006).


Ideas for parents:

Create a little “ensemble” of your own.  You can use homemade or purchased instruments and play-along to a favorite song on the iPod or radio, or even a song you sing.  You might also have fun making an instrument out of something that isn’t usually an instrument – a bowl and a spoon make a great drum, a slightly inflated paper bag makes a nice rhythm instrument, and even two spoons tapped together add a nice sound.

– Contributed by Theresa Case, whose Greenville, SC program, Kindermusik at Piano Central Studios, is proudly among the top 1% of Kindermusik programs worldwide.