FOL Fridays: Unstructured Play

Why Music?

Child-development specialists describe unstructured play as essential to children’s growth and crucial in cultivating creativity and imagination. Unstructured play also has a role in expanding intellectual, emotional, and social skills. “In other words,” according to MacPherson (2002), “unstructured child’s play – the kind with no rules, few gizmos and little or no adult direction – packs a powerful developmental wallop.”

HELPS for Parents: PARENTS magazine has this great article online about nurturing your child’s ability to play alone. Click here for an article with ideas for teaching your older children how to play alone.

– Compiled by Theresa Case, M.Ed. Theresa’s program, Kindermusik at Piano Central Studios, is proudly among the top 1% of Kindermusik programs worldwide.

FOL Fridays: Repetition

Again, again!!  Children learn through repetition.  Each time a child is exposed to a new object or experience, new neural connections are made in his brain.  Through repetition, these connections are strengthened and learning occurs.  Every Kindermusik curriculum is designed to repeat certain activities – in part because of this important connection between repetition and learning, but also because repetition of activities helps to create the Kindermusik class community.  Ritual and repetition at home are important components of a predictable and nurturing home life as well. 

TIP:  So go ahead, sing that song or read that book again.  For the hundredth time.  Take satisfaction in knowing that you’re doing your child’s brain a world of good!

– Compiled by Theresa Case, M.Ed., whose Kindermusik program at Piano Central Studios in Greenville, South Carolina, is proudly among the top 1% of Kindermusik programs worldwide.

Introducing… FOL Fridays!

At the heart of the Kindermusik curriculum are Foundation of Learning statements, or “FOLs” as we Kindermusik educators fondly call them.  These FOLs are the “how comes” and “so whats” behind every music and movement learning activity we do in class.  You see, we want you to not only have FUN in our Kindermusik classes; we also want you to understand WHY the activities are so musically and developmentally beneficial for your child and HOW you can use these same activities ideas to make your every day parenting routines just a little bit easier.

With that in mind, we thought it would be interesting to introduce a short series we’re calling FOL FRIDAYS that will highlight some of our favorite, tried-and-true Foundation of Learning statements and parents tips.  Check back with us each Friday to see our latest featured FOL.  You’ll love the musical and developmental insights into that precious little person in your life!

– Compiled by Theresa Case, M.Ed.  Theresa’s Kindermusik program at Piano Central Studios in Greenville, South Carolina, is proudly among the top 1% of programs worldwide.