Music and Movement Benefits: Routines and Social-Emotional Health

Quality Time

bigstock_Mother_And_Father_Giving_Child_13915643From breakfast to playtime to naptime.  That’s one routine. Bath time, story time, then bedtime.  That’s another. Cartoons or waffles on Saturday morning – that’s a routine, too! 
As unpredictable as life with young children can sometimes be, routines and rituals are the secret to creating a calmer, saner life, to helping your children feel secure, and to building loving family relationships.  As reported by Reuters Health, a recent study has also found that children with predictable family routines “tend to be emotionally healthier and better socially adjusted.”  And there’s a close connection between thriving at home and thriving in school.
Routines provide structure and predictability – they are a child’s time keeper, both internally and externally.  Zero to Three lists these ways that love, learning, and routines are all interconnected.

Love, Learning, and Routines (from

  • Routines help babies and toddlers learn self-control.
  • Routines can bring you and your child closer together and reduce power struggles.
  • Routines guide positive behavior and safety.
  • Routines support children’s social skills.
  • Routines help children cope with transitions.
  • Routines are satisfying for parents, too.
  • Routines are an important opportunity for learning.

These are some of the very reasons why a Kindermusik class has many happy routines that give your child a sense of belonging and security in the classroom: after a few weeks, just experiencing the hello song, goodbye song, and all of the beloved activities in-between reassure each child that he/she is in a safe and loving community.  Repeating some of these very same activities at home with the help of your @Home Materials helps parents create family routines that will be remembered for a lifetime.

Get started on the Kindermusik routine today!  Try a free class and see how music makes every part of the day even better.

Compiled and written by Theresa Case, who has an award-winning Kindermusik program at Piano Central Studios in Greenville, SC.