7 Simple Ways to Make Musical Moments at Home

Rainy day? Running out of at-home activity ideas? Don’t worry…you can boost development, lower stress, and have fun with these easy-to-create, beneficial musical moments.

Here are 7 simple ways to keep little ones busy, in a good way: 

1. Turn on Some Gentle Music and Blow Bubbles

Blowing bubbles is one of the cheapest forms of childhood entertainment, and you can even sneak in some music appreciation by playing some classical music during the activity. We suggest selections by J.S. Bach or Mozart. By the way, a bubble wand with more than one hole is the secret to a better bubble-blowing experience.

2. Color to Music with Sidewalk Chalk

Want a no-mess activity that also gets your child’s creative juices flowing? Give your child some sidewalk chalk and offer the canvas of your driveway. Add a variety of music for fresh inspiration and enjoy watching your little artist go to work.

Need some tune suggestions? Download our free app on the App Store or Google Play, and access our “Colors” playlist! It’s full of different tempos and sounds (“Lavender’s Blue” is our favorite!). 

3. Use Painter’s Tape to Create Roads and Movement Pathways

Hum along as you drive small cars around tape-defined roads or dance and move around paths marked by painter’s tape. The fun will be in deciding where to put the tape down, and the learning comes as you sing and label with movement words like “jump,” “spin,” and “skip.”

4. Make a Homemade Instrument!

How to Make an Oatmeal Bongo

5. Start your Own Marching Band

Grab those homemade bongos, a wooden spoon and a pot, and maybe a box of rice, and you’ve got a family band! Turn on some marching music and have a parade throughout the house. And if you’re looking for some real instruments to add to your collection, check out our Parent Favorites on the store

6. Play a Musical Alphabet Chairs Game

This is a fun educational twist on a classic childhood game that combines moving, listening to music, stopping on cue, and identifying letters of the alphabet.

  • Here’s how to do it:
    • Set up around 2 chairs per person in a circle.   
    • Label them with letters.     
    • March around until the music stops and sit down.     
    • Depending on your child’s age, ask her to simply identify the letter or name a word that begins with the letter.

This game is perfect for pairing with other themes, spreading out to a once-a-week activity if you’re learning the alphabet, and so much more. Plus, it’s a great way to spend a day full of scorching temps or summer storms.

7. Dance Like Nobody’s Watching!

Put on some homemade ankle bells and dance, dance, dance! This is a great activity for indoors or outdoors. You can even help your child experiment with different kinds of music for all kinds of creative movement ideas.

Need more ideas? How about joining us for a class! Many of our studios offer both in-person and virtual classes, so search for one that fits your schedule.

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