106 College Street
Lawrenceburg, KY 40342
Please contact us by phone or email if you want to pay and register outside of the Kindermusik Website. We will not guarantee your spot until payment has been received.
Tuition for all Kindermusik classes includes access to all music on our Kindermusik App for the duration of the class. The cost of Tuition may be made in full on our Kindermusik site at the time of registration. Class Registration is non-refundable due to limited class size and enrollment space taken at the time of online registration. Once our classes are full by the website class maximum it will not allow more registrations to come through, therefore holding up a spot. This is the reason we cannot refund your registration, because we cannot guarantee filling that spot again once you select and pay online.
Physical home materials are now optional and can be purchased separately. You will be provided information and a deadline to order. Tuition payments may be paid by cash, check or credit card. *If you choose the pay cash or check, please contact us & come by the studio or mail your fees to PO Box 893, Lawrenceburg, KY 40342. You may also access our ACH payment form to elect a payment plan of 4 monthly installment payments during our session. These payment options are available through our website at www.lawrenceburgacademyofperformingarts.com or you may contact us to fill out the proper paperwork at 502-680-1408.
Class sizes are limited to 12. Space is limited, so in classes where a caregiver must participate, only infants in carriers are permitted unless the sibling is a paying participant.