Kindermusik at Saratoga Sings

Kindermusik at Saratoga Sings - Saratoga

Now enrolling for our Winter/Spring semester and Kindermusik Summer Camp Weeks 2024! We have been connecting grown-ups and kids through music and play for 27 years in our studio and are proud to offer the highest quality early music education in our area. Classes are held in our private studio at the Saratoga Springs United Methodist Church. Follow us on Instagram @saratogasings and Facebook Kindermusik at Saratoga Sings. Nurture your child’s love of music and come grow friendships that could last a lifetime!

175 5th Ave
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866

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Please join a WAITLIST if the best class time for you is full! Click the class and follow the prompts to enroll and then join the waitlist. You will not be charged or moved into the class without your permission. Thank you!

Tuition is charged one time upon enrollment and is non-refundable and non-transferable after June 15th for summer camps and after September 1st and January 1st for fall and winter classes. Siblings outside the age range of a class are welcome to attend at no charge.

It is necessary for us to post photos and short video clips of our classes on Instagram, Facebook and Google Ads in order to successfully market our business. We will not name you or or child or tag you without your permission. By enrolling in Kindermusik classes at Saratoga Sings, LLC, you consent that your child and any caregiver who attends class with them may may be filmed and photographed for promotional purposes.