DUBLIN: THE WAVE (Kindermusik with Miss Lindsay & Friends)

For the Fall 2023 session, Tuesday classes will be held inside at The Wave in Dublin. Mats will be provided for your comfort in this beautiful, centrally located facility. To register, visit and click on "Activities," then do a keyword search for "Kindermusik". Then scroll down until you see the classes for your child's age group, and select the class for the dates you'd like to join. Previews are welcome at this location, but City policy asks that previews observe the class rather than actively participating until they are registered. Please call or email us first to confirm availability. We hope to see you soon!

The Wave, 4201 Central Pkwy
Dublin, CA 94568

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We offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If for any reason you are not satisfied with your Kindermusik experience after attending five classes, we will refund the enrollment portion of your registration fee. Materials are yours to keep and enjoy! The materials portion of your registration is nonrefundable. (Please note that if you are taking classes through a Parks & Recreation Department, all refunds are subject to City approval.)